Zesty Life

Healthy salad: beets, cabbage, carrots

Delicious and healthy salads.

Shredded Carrot salad. 

Ingredients :

-I pound  carrots, peeled

-fresh squeezed juice from 2 lemons

-1 table spoon of sesame seed oil

-salt and black pepper: just on the tip of the spoon

-half of small sweet onion

Preparing the salad.

Shred the carrots and onion. I used the little device I bought on Amazon (See the link below).  Mix  all in a big bowl, add salt, pepper and pour sesame seed oil.  Then add lemon juice and toss well.

Let the salad stay for one hour in a room temperature so all ingredients soak well in lemon juice. Then put it in a refrigerator. 

I suggest to serve the salad next day. As you see, easy to make salad that is delicious and healthy.   

This device I ordered  on Amazon and it was delivered in 3 days. I ordered it to make vegetable salad. It has three functions. 

This little device turns the task of  shredding vegetables into an  easy operation. 

Health Benefits of Carrots

Carrots have a wealth of antioxidants and offer many health benefits. Here are the highlights:

They’re good for your eyesThis is probably the best-known carrot superpower. They’re rich in beta-carotene, a compound your body changes into vitamin A, which helps keep your eyes healthy. And beta-carotene helps protect your eyes from the sun and lowers your chances of cataracts and other eye problems.

Yellow carrots have lutein, which is also good for your eyes. Studies have found that it can help with or prevent age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss in the USA.

They can lower your risk of cancerAntioxidants have been proven to fight off harmful free radicals in your body, and that can make you less likely to have cancer. The two main types of antioxidants in carrots are carotenoids and anthocyanins. Carotenoids give carrots their orange and yellow colors, while anthocyanins are responsible for red and purple coloring.

They help your heart. First, all those antioxidants are also good for your heart. Second, the potassium in carrots can help keep your blood pressure in check. And third, they have fiber, which can help you stay at a healthy weight and lower your chances of heart disease.

Red carrots also have lycopene, which helps prevent heart disease.

They boost your immune systemThe vitamin C in carrots helps your body build antibodies that defend your immune system. Vitamin C also helps your body take in and use iron and prevent infections.

They can help with constipation. If you’re having trouble going to the bathroom, try munching on some raw carrots. With their high fiber content, they can help ease constipation and keep you regular.

They can help control diabetes. People with diabetes are advised to load up on non-starchy vegetables, including carrots. The fiber in carrots can help keep blood sugar levels under control. And they’re loaded with vitamin A and beta-carotene, which there’s evidence to suggest can lower your diabetes risk.

They can strengthen your bones. Carrots have calcium and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health.

Risks of Carrots

If you eat too much beta-carotene, it can make your skin turn an orange-yellow color. This condition is called carotenemia. It’s relatively harmless and usually can be treated. But in extreme cases, it can keep vitamin A from doing its job and affect your vision, bones, skin, metabolism, or immune system.

Too much beta-carotene also may cause problems for people who can’t change it to vitamin A, such as people who have hypothyroidism.

For some people, eating carrots can make their mouths itch. That’s something called oral allergy syndrome. Your body reacts to the proteins in certain fruits and vegetables as if they were pollens you’re allergic to. It doesn’t tend to happen if the carrots are cooked.

How to Prepare and Store Carrots

Carrots can be part of many popular diets, like vegan, keto, paleo, and more.

To prepare them, wash them thoroughly in water and scrub off any dirt. You can peel them with a vegetable peeler or knife if you’d like, but you don’t have to.

From there, you might slice them into sticks and eat them with hummus or a yogurt-based dip. If you don’t like crunchy carrots, you can steam, boil, or roast them and serve them as a side dish. They also work well in savory dishes like beef stew, chicken pot pie, or stir-fry.

Fresh, whole carrots will keep for several weeks in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. If the leafy green tops are still attached, trim those first. Then store them in a plastic bag with holes in it.

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Next salad is Shredded Beets salad. 


-1 pound of beets, peeled

-a small cabbage

-a small sweet onion

-freshly squeezed juice of 2 lemons

-2 table spoons of sesame seed oil

-salt and pepper

Preparing the salad:

Shred all ingredients, mix all in a big bowl, add sesame seed oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Mix well.  Let it soak for a couple of hours and then place in a glass container in a refrigerator. Let it stay for 24 hours. 

9 Impressive Health Benefits of Beets

Beetroots, commonly known as beets, are a popular root vegetable used in many cuisines around the world.

Beets are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and plant compounds, some of which have medicinal properties.

What’s more, they are delicious and easy to add to your diet.

This article lists 9 health benefits of beets, all supported by science.

1. Many Nutrients in Few Calories

Beets boast an impressive nutritional profile.

They are low in calories, yet high in valuable vitamins and minerals. In fact, they contain a bit of almost all the vitamins and minerals that you need (1).

Here is an overview of the nutrients found in a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of cooked beetroot (1):

  • Calories: 44
  • Protein: 1.7 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin C: 6% of the RDI
  • Folate: 20% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 3% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 6% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 9% of the RDI
  • Phosphorous: 4% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 16% of the RDI
  • Iron: 4% of the RDI

Beets also contain inorganic nitrates and pigments, both of which are plant compounds that have a number of health benefits.


Beets are loaded with vitamins and minerals and low in calories and fat. They also contain inorganic nitrates and pigments, both of which have a number of health benefits.

2. Help Keep Blood Pressure in Check

Heart disease, including heart attacks, heart failure and stroke, is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

And high blood pressure is one of the leading risk factors for the development of these conditions.

Studies have shown that beets can significantly lower blood pressure by up to 4–10 mmHg over a period of only a few hours 

The effect appears to be greater for systolic blood pressure, or pressure when your heart contracts, rather than diastolic blood pressure, or pressure when your heart is relaxed. The effect may also be stronger for raw beets than cooked beets (5Trusted Source6Trusted Source7Trusted Source8Trusted Source).

These blood pressure-lowering effects are likely due to the high concentration of nitrates in beets. In your body, dietary nitrates are converted into nitric oxide, a molecule that dilates blood vessels, causing blood pressure to drop (9Trusted Source).

Blood nitrate levels remain elevated for about six hours after eating dietary nitrate. Therefore, beets only have a temporary effect on blood pressure, and regular consumption is required to experience long-term reductions in blood pressure (10Trusted Source).


Beets contain a high concentration of nitrates, which have a blood pressure-lowering effect. This may lead to a reduced risk of heart attacks, heart failure and stroke.

Several studies suggest that dietary nitrates may enhance athletic performance.

For this reason, beets are often used by athletes.

Nitrates appear to affect physical performance by improving the efficiency of mitochondria, which are responsible for producing energy in your cells (11Trusted Source).

In two studies including seven and eight men, consuming 17 ounces (500 ml) of beet juice daily for six days extended time to exhaustion during high-intensity exercise by 15–25%, which is a 1–2% improvement in overall performance (7Trusted Source12Trusted Source13Trusted Source).

Eating beets may also improve cycling and athletic performance and increase oxygen use by up to 20% (7Trusted Source14Trusted Source15Trusted Source16Trusted Source).

One small study of nine competitive cyclists looked at the effect of 17 ounces (500 ml) of beetroot juice on cycling time trial performance over 2.5 and 10 miles (4 and 16.1 km).

Drinking beetroot juice improved performance by 2.8% over the 2.5-mile (4-km) time trial and 2.7% over the 10-mile (16.1-km) trial (17Trusted Source).

It’s important to note that blood nitrate levels peak within 2–3 hours. Therefore, to maximize their potential, it’s best to consume beets 2–3 hours before training or competing (18Trusted Source).


Eating beets may enhance athletic performance by improving oxygen use and time to exhaustion. To maximize their effects, beets should be consumed 2–3 hours prior to training or competing.

 4. May Help Fight Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is associated with a number of diseases, such as obesity, heart disease, liver disease and cancer (19Trusted Source).

Beets contain pigments called betalains, which may potentially possess a number of anti-inflammatory properties (8Trusted Source20Trusted Source21Trusted Source).

However, most of the research in this area has been conducted in rats.

Beetroot juice and beetroot extract have been shown to reduce kidney inflammation in rats injected with toxic chemicals known to induce serious injury (20Trusted Source22Trusted Source).

One study in humans with osteoarthritis showed that betalain capsules made with beetroot extract reduced pain and discomfort associated with the condition (23).

While these studies suggest that beets have an anti-inflammatory effect, human studies are needed to determine whether beets could be used to reduce inflammation.


Beets may have a number of anti-inflammatory effects. However, further research in humans is required to confirm this theory.

5. May Improve Digestive Health

Dietary fiber is an important component of a healthy diet.

It has been linked to many health benefits, including improved digestion.

One cup of beetroot contains 3.4 grams of fiber, making beets a good fiber source (1).

Fiber bypasses digestion and heads down to the colon, where it either feeds the friendly gut bacteria or adds bulk to stool.

This can promote digestive health, keep you regular and prevent digestive conditions like constipation, inflammatory bowel disease and diverticulitis (24Trusted Source25Trusted Source).

Moreover, fiber has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases including colon cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes (26Trusted Source27Trusted Source28Trusted Source).


Beets are a good source of fiber, which is beneficial for digestive health, as well as reducing the risk of a number of chronic health conditions.

Mental and cognitive function naturally decline with age.

For some, this decline is significant and may result in conditions like dementia.

A reduction in blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain may contribute to this decline (29Trusted Source30Trusted Source31Trusted Source).

Interestingly, the nitrates in beets may improve mental and cognitive function by promoting the dilation of blood vessels and thus increasing blood flow to the brain (32Trusted Source).

Beets have been shown to particularly improve blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, an area associated with higher-level thinking, such as decision making and working memory (33Trusted Source).

Furthermore, one study in type 2 diabetics looked at the effect of beets on simple reaction time, which is a measure of cognitive function.

Simple reaction time during a computer-based cognitive function test was 4% faster in those who consumed 8.5 ounces (250 ml) of beetroot juice daily for two weeks, compared to the placebo (34Trusted Source).

However, whether beets could be used in a clinical setting to improve brain function and reduce the risk of dementia remains to be seen.


Beets contain nitrates, which may help increase blood flow to the brain, improve cognitive function and possibly reduce the risk of dementia. However, more research in this area is needed.

7. May Have Some Anti-Cancer Properties

Cancer is a serious and potentially fatal disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells.

The antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory nature of beets have led to an interest in its ability to prevent cancer.

However, the current evidence is fairly limited.

Beetroot extract has been shown to reduce the division and growth of tumor cells in animals (35Trusted Source36Trusted Source).

One test-tube study using human cells found that beetroot extract, which is high in betalain pigments, reduced the growth of prostate and breast cancer cells (37Trusted Source).

It is important to note that these studies were performed in isolated human cells and rats. Further research is necessary to determine whether similar effects would be found in living, breathing humans.


Studies in isolated human cells and rats have shown that the pigments in beets may help reduce the growth of cancer cells.

 8. May Help You Lose Weight

Beets have several nutritional properties that should make them good for weight loss.

First, beets are low in calories and high in water (1).

Increasing your intake of low-calorie foods like fruits and vegetables has been associated with weight loss (38Trusted Source39Trusted Source).

Furthermore, despite their low calorie content, beets contain moderate amounts of protein and fiber. These are both important nutrients for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight (40Trusted Source41Trusted Source42Trusted Source).

The fiber in beets may also help promote weight loss by reducing appetite and promoting feelings of fullness, thereby reducing overall calorie intake (43Trusted Source4445Trusted Source).

While no studies have directly tested the effects of beets on weight, it’s likely that adding beets to your diet can aid in weight loss.


Beets have a high water and low calorie content. Both of these properties are beneficial for weight loss.

9. Delicious and Easy to Include in Your Diet

This last one is not a health benefit, yet it is still important.

Not only are beets nutritious, but they are also incredibly delicious and easy to incorporate into your diet.

Beets can be juiced, roasted, steamed or pickled. Also, they can be bought precooked and canned for convenience.

Choose beets that are heavy for their size with fresh, unwilted green leafy tops still attached.

Dietary nitrates are water soluble, so it is best to avoid boiling beets to maximize their nitrate content.

Here are some delicious and interesting ways to add more beets to your diet:

  • Beetroot salad: Grated beets make a flavorful and colorful addition to coleslaw.
  • Beetroot dip: Beets blended with Greek yogurt make a delicious and healthy dip.
  • Beetroot juice: Fresh beetroot juice is best, as store-bought juice can be high in added sugars and may only contain a small amount of beets.
  • Beetroot leaves: Beet leaves can be cooked and enjoyed like spinach, so don’t throw them out.


Beetroot is a delicious and versatile vegetable that is easy to add to your diet. Choose beets that are heavy for their size with green tops still attached.

The Bottom Line

Beets provide some impressive health benefits.

Not to mention, they are low in calories and a great source of nutrients, including fiber, folate and vitamin C.

Beets also contain nitrates and pigments that may help lower blood pressure and improve athletic performance.

Lastly, beets are delicious and versatile, fitting well into a healthy and balanced diet.

Written by Daisy Coyle, APD on May 26, 2017