A hair mask for healthier hair.

I found this very simple recipe of hair mask in one of Beauty posts in an old magazine published by a Tatar woman many years ago.

The Tatar women are known for having the thick and long hair.

I read that it is common for them to use different hair masks to keep their hair healthy and long.

This recipe is one of them. I tried this recipe recently on my hair and I noticed that for one month after I tried that mask I saw drastically much less hair on my hair brush and on the floor after sweeping it.

The Hair Mask

-1 table spoon of Beef Gelatin Powder

-3 table spoons of a hair conditioner.

Mixed thoroughly. Warm for few seconds in microwave. Check the temperature of the mixture with the finger tip to be sure it is warm but not hot..

Place the mixture on hair, massaging the mixture on the scalp.

Keep for half an hour and then rinse with warm water or in a shower.

This recipe has laminating effect on hair and it makes them shiny and strong.

Below is Gelatin I used for the hair mask. The link to buy it  is below.